Clockwise Release Notes

Stay up to date on the latest feature releases and bug fixes from Clockwise.

February 2025

  • Improved Flexible Meeting optimizations: We've made Clockwise optimizations smarter, addressing a collection of longstanding user feedback. With these changes, Clockwise will now:
    • Move Flexible Meetings into attendees' Meeting Hours if the event is currently outside any attendee's Meeting Hours
    • Move Flexible Meetings off of events categorized as Out of Office if there is attendee availability within the event's move range
    • Move Flexible Meetings off of events categorized as Holidays if there is attendee availability within the event's move range
    • Prioritize the availability of required attendees before it considers the availability of optional attendees
    • Consider the availability of attendees who have RSVP'd "No" to a Flexible Meeting. Previously, Clockwise would ignore these attendees' availability, occasionally causing meetings to move to times outside the attendee's working hours.
    • Assume a 12-1pm lunch break for attendees who are not users of Clockwise
  • Enhanced event details card: The event details card in the Clockwise calendar now surfaces the tradeoffs of its currently scheduled time, including the Focus Time cost for attendees. It also highlights conflicting meetings and recommends other times that those conflicts could be moved to.

January 2025


  • Updated Chrome/Firefox extension: Clockwise is now easier to access in your Google Calendar, with a new Clockwise settings window that appears alongside your GCal events.

  • Improved Flexible Meeting interface: The Flexible Meeting interface is now easier to understand and faster to update.
    • Flexibility types were consolidated to just Within Day and Within Week, with the "specific workdays" option moved underneath the Within Week type
    • Updates to Flexibility settings will now render instantaneously
  • Color-coding moved to Ideal Day: Clockwise color-coding settings have been moved to the Ideal Day page for easier access.


  • Asana integration: The Clockwise-Asana integration was retired on January 31

December 2024


  • Clockwise calendar: Clockwise Prism is now Clockwise Calendar, a simpler name for the features you already love, like smart scheduling and rescheduling.
  • Improved Collaborators module in calendar sidebar: We’ve added the ability to see your top collaborators’ statuses right alongside your calendar. Plus, we made some small improvements to the pinning and un-pinning interactions to reduce confusion.
  • Redesigned event popover view: Now, you can adjust Flexibility settings, change event category and colors, and view attendee calendars directly from the event popover that opens when you click on an event in the calendar.

November 2024


  • Scheduling suggestions in calendar: Scheduling in Clockwise just got easier — scheduling suggestions are now shown directly in the calendar next to their timeslot, with icons indicating attendee availability.
  • Whitelist for AI meeting assistants: AI meeting assistants (e.g., Gong, Fireflies) will now be ignored for the purpose of moving Flexible Meetings and event categorization/color-coding. Previously, AI assistants would cause meetings to be categorized as 'External' and Clockwise could not move them. To submit a new AI meeting assistant to our whitelist, email
  • Extended Team Availability Calendar syncing: The sync window for Team Availability Calendars has been extended from 8 to 12 weeks, allowing you to see your teammates' OOO events further into the future.
  • Improved Flexibility page: The Flexibility page in the Clockwise webapp has received a major refresh, including the ability to set Flexibility move ranges (e.g., within day, within week) from the page.


  • Meeting hours during holiday weeks set incorrectly: We fixed an issue where meeting hours were being overridden on weeks where users had a holiday or out-of-office.
  • Improved Scheduling Links page load times: For users with many scheduling links, we reduced average page load time from 8 seconds to <1 second. 
  • Personal calendar & lunch holds not displaying in Google Calendar: We fixed a bug causing synced personal calendar events and lunch holds to display in Clockwise Calendar but not Google Calendar. 
  • Ability to reschedule Links meetings in the past: Previously, if users tried to reschedule a Scheduling Links booking after the start time had already passed, they would encounter an error. Now, they can easily rebook.
  • OOO events not appearing on team calendars: We fixed an issue causing OOO events not to appear on shared team availability calendars if the original team creator had deactivated their Clockwise account.

October 2024


  • Improved Teams page: Teams pages have received a major refresh, with consolidated settings and a dashboard that shows the breakdown of meeting time vs. Focus Time across your team.
  • Faster calendar processing: Clockwise now processes changes to your calendar >10x faster, so Clockwise-managed events like Focus Time and Lunch holds will typically respond to calendar changes within 1-2 seconds.
  • Customizable collaborators in calendar: The list of collaborators in the calendar sidebar is now customizable, enabling you to pin users for quick 1:1 scheduling


  • Re-launched event drag-and-drop in calendar to Microsoft Outlook users
  • Fixed the Clockwise Firefox extension, which was not appearing
  • Fixed the Clockwise Chrome extension, which was causing interference with the release of Google Calendar's dark mode

September 2024


  • Click to create events: The Clockwise calendar now supports direct event creation via clicking or click-dragging. Unlike other calendars, Clockwise will identify any conflicts with the newly created event and try to resolve them in real time.
  • Improved calendar sidebar: The Clockwise calendar sidebar is now collapsible, enabling easier viewing of your calendar. In addition, it now contains a list of your most frequent collaborators for easy calendar viewing and 1:1 scheduling, as well as a module highlighting your upcoming meeting with quick controls for rescheduling or joining VC.

August 2024

Prism Updates

  • Prism launched: AI Scheduler is now Prism, your intelligent calendar.
  • Intelligent Drag and Drop: You can now click and drag an event to move it to where you’d prefer it on your calendar. When you drag and drop or resize a meeting, we will now display information about how this new time affects attendees, and we will try to automatically resolve any conflicts that it creates.
  • Full recurrence support: Prism now allows you to create events with any recurrence type, matching functionality from Google Calendar and Outlook. Previously, Prism only supported creating events with daily, weekly, biweekly, or monthly recurrence. Recurrence can be set either via chat or via the event details card.
  • Sunset: Memory. Memory has been removed from AI Scheduler because it was causing errors in the language model, but we will be replacing it soon with a new way of scheduling with groups.

Overall Product Updates

  • Updated new user onboarding: New user onboarding received a visual overhaul, and now highlights the power of Prism scheduling.
  • Multi-hop meeting moves. Clockwise can now move flexible meetings in multi-hop sequences to try to resolve conflicts, either via our daily 4pm calendar optimization or via “schedule by moving” in AI Scheduler. For instance, Clockwise can move Meeting A onto a slot currently held by Meeting B, and then move Meeting B onto a slot held by Meeting C, and then move Meeting C to a free slot.
  • Simplified Navigation: We simplified the top level navigation items on the Clockwise web app and moved less-used actions to fly-out menus. In addition, we consolidated Flexible Meetings and Flexible Holds onto a single page.
  • Sunset: Assistant tab in Chrome extension. We removed the Assistant tab in the Chrome extension as part of our effort to simplify the user experience. Removing this feature allows for a faster extension experience and future development for AI Scheduler availability in the extension view.

July 2024

AI Scheduler Updates

  • AI Scheduler in Slack: Schedule and reschedule events directly in Slack by mentioning @Clockwise on your scheduling request (must have Clockwise Slack integration configured).
  • Calendar split view: When viewing multiple users’ calendars, each user’s calendar will occupy a single column for easier viewing of availability across schedules.
  • Drag and drop: Users can drag and drop events on the AI Scheduler calendar to quickly reschedule them. This update also includes dragging the edge of an event to change the duration.
  • Preferred video conferencing integration: Users can set a default video conferencing platform (e.g., Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams) in their Preferences page, and AI Scheduler will automatically use that VC integration when creating a new event.
  • Full support for Clockwise holds: Users will be able to modify settings for individual Clockwise holds — e.g., enabling auto-decline for Focus Time or un-syncing an OOO event from team calendars — in the AI Scheduler event details card (previously only available in Clockwise Planner).

June 2024

AI Scheduler Updates

  • Shareable Scheduling Proposals: Users can now share a scheduling proposal link with meeting recipients, who can view the proposal and choose to accept or reject the suggested time. Ask AI Scheduler to schedule a meeting, and then select Share when AI Scheduler responds to try it out.
  • Click to schedule: Quickly create an event, invite attendees, and receive scheduling suggestions using a clickable interface that doesn’t require chat.
  • Timezone support: AI Scheduler will understand and respect users’ requests to schedule within certain timezones. Previously, AI Scheduler would ignore a user’s requested timezone.

May 2024

Overall Product Updates

  • Maximum Focus Time per day: Set a daily maximum for Focus Time holds and Clockwise will make sure scheduled Focus Time never exceeds your preferences. Available on paid plans.
  • Auto-protected Focus Time: Allow Clockwise to automatically protect Focus Time holds based on the total hours of Focus Time in your week. When your Focus Time starts to fall below your weekly goal, Clockwise will automatically adjust the flexibility of those holds so incoming conflicts are declined. Available on paid plans.

AI Scheduler Updates

Features and improvements

  • AI Scheduler for Microsoft: AI Scheduler is now available to Microsoft users, currently in rollout.
  • Public Beta: Launched AI Scheduler to all Clockwise users in Public Beta. Check it out.
  • Quick Scheduling: Clicking on any event in the calendar will automatically generate a short list of available rescheduling suggestions within 2 business days of the event. This feature is also available in the Clockwise Chrome extension.
  • Foundational speed improvements: Chat responses now occur 1.5-2x faster due to optimizations in language parsing and scheduling suggestion generation

April 2024

Overall Product Updates

  • Sidebar scheduler deprecation: The Clockwise sidebar scheduling functionality has been deprecated in favor of AI Scheduler.
  • Launched round-robin Scheduling Links: Scheduling Links with round-robin logic balance meeting distribution among a team based on availability or priority. Learn more.

AI Scheduler Updates

Features and improvements

  • Quick Reschedule: Click any event in the calendar and we will instantly provide available time slots within a few days of the event’s original time slot. Available both in web app and extension.
  • Private Beta: Launched AI Scheduler in Private Beta to select users.

March 2024

AI Scheduler Updates

Features and improvements

  • Users can now easily create Scheduling Links via AI Scheduler, e.g. “Create a 30min link with Tatiana’s and my availability from Monday to Wednesday”
  • Users can now ask AI Scheduler to help them fix their meeting conflicts, and AI Scheduler will highlight the conflicts in the calendar and provide smart rescheduling suggestions
  • Attendees can now be specified in chat as “Optional,” and AI Scheduler will deprioritize their availability. Attendees can also be marked Optional via the event details card
  • The Flexible toggle is now surfaced at the top level of a scheduling proposal, enabling a user to quickly turn flexibility for their event on or off
  • When scheduling with attendees whose calendars or events are private, AI Scheduler will now indicate which meetings are flexible, for easier scheduling
  • Calendar density now mirrors defaults on Google Calendar
  • Default calendar positioning now centers a users’ working hours in the calendar view
  • Chat now auto-scrolls to the bottom whenever a new message is sent
  • Calendar and suggestion queries have been optimized, resulting in 3x speed improvements
  • The scheduling proposal has been visually cleaned up to make it easier to understand

February 2024

Overall Product Updates

  • Scheduling Links maximum number of meetings: Users can control external meeting load by customizing the maximum number of meetings that can be scheduled via their Scheduling Link. They will be able to customize this on a daily or weekly basis based on their preferences. Learn more here
  • Scheduling Links administrative logo control: Admins can add a logo on behalf of all users within their paid plan (billing group specifically). This logo will supersede any previously individually uploaded logos, providing greater control for admins and ensuring brand consistency across users. This feature is available to Business and Enterprise customers. Learn more here

AI Scheduler Alpha Updates

Features and improvements

  • The “Schedule with AI” button in the Google Chrome extension now opens a chatbox for direct prompt entry
  • Clicking on an event in the calendar now opens a “quick actions” menu for rescheduling, changing RSVP, or joining meeting.
  • Processing messages can now be canceled via `ESC` or clicking “Stop” button in text entry box
  • Chat has been narrowed to increase usability on smaller screens.

January 2024

Overall Product Updates

  • Customizable meeting availability in Scheduling Links: Fine-tune scheduling flexibility with customizable meeting availability. Users can tailor each Scheduling Link to match their preferences by allowing meetings to be booked outside of working hours or within specific time ranges. Take control of your time and streamline the scheduling process for a more personalized and efficient experience. Learn more here

AI Scheduler Alpha Updates

Features and improvements

  • AI Scheduler can now be easily accessed via a button in the Google Chrome extension
  • Memory: Users can click the Memory button to enter new scheduling preferences, or view/delete existing preferences
  • Improved event layout in calendar. General improvements to layout algorithm to better display information. Shared events in in multi-calendar views now rendered as one event card.
  • SBM (Schedule By Moving) Proposal options now have improved UX for better visibility amongst a crowded calendar and hover states and labels more visible to reduce clutter
  • Multi-calendar now loads up to 50 calendars
  • Multi-calendar select drop down given visual overhaul to improve usability and performance. Additionally a few new features are added such as quick scheduling with currently selected calendars.
  • Flexibility Details are now viewable + modifiable in proposals.
  • AI Scheduler can now be prompted to “remember” and “forget” information, for instance “remember that Britt is my manager”
  • AI Scheduler will now recognize common holidays in the US, Canada, and UK
  • Scheduling proposals now contain a “Share times” button with copyable text
  • “@” mentions now support mentioning specific calendar events, in addition to people
  • Clicking on a calendar event now opens a small menu with convenient actions like “Reschedule with AI” and RSVP responses
  • Event details card now contains a “Reschedule with AI” button that will automatically generate a rescheduling proposal
  • Events can now be toggled to “All day”
  • Calendar now contains a “Show/Collapse Focus Time” setting. If toggled to “collapse,” Clockwise Focus Time events will be minimized to help simplify the calendar view
  • Out Of Office events are now rendered with a distinct style to distinguish them from other events. All-day OOO events are shown with a “tab” in the all-day event section for easy identification

Bug fixes

  • Find A Time With AI Scheduler Button In GCal now doesn’t show if styles become broken
  • Text overflow issue on short OOO events
  • Color coding on user avatars within the collapsed Event card now set correctly
  • Add Event Proposal now persists your unsaved changes if you change tabs/lose focus of your window
  • Recurring meetings at scheduled at a set user specified time are no longer flexible by default
  • Collapsed event card now displays external meeting attendees
  • Meetings organized by a user in a different timezone are now rendered in the correct timezone

December 2023

Overall Product Updates

  • Branded logo on the Scheduling Links booking page: Users can now upload custom logos to be displayed on booking pages for their Scheduling Links. Learn more here
  • Timezone picker on the Scheduling Links booking page: Users can now change the timezone while viewing available meeting times on Scheduling Links booking pages, allowing simpler visibility into what times are available to meet.

AI Scheduler Alpha Updates

If you are interested in early access and open to sharing product feedback for AI Scheduler, join the waitlist.

Features and improvements

  • Calendar now displays users’ working hours when viewing multiple calendars. Unavailable times appear with a gray striped background
  • Past events in calendar are now slightly desaturated making them easier to distinguish from upcoming events.
  • Event category selector added to event card
  • Event card now has a colored rail corresponding to the color of the calendar event
  • Event card now supports viewing and editing video conferencing links (Google Meet and Zoom)
  • Event card now supports viewing and editing event location
  • Event card now supports updates to recurring event series
  • Event card now displays original and updated times when rescheduling
  • Scheduling events at a specific time now conjures event tradeoffs (conflicts and inconveniences)

November 2023

Overall Product Updates

  • Clockwise for Microsoft Beta: We are excited to share that Clockwise is now available in Beta for all Microsoft users. Microsoft users will have free access to our Teams plan for the duration of Beta. Learn more on the blog.
  • Customize Scheduling Links meeting titles with simple variables: You can now customize the titles of meetings booked via Scheduling Links using simple variables, such as [Link Name] or [Scheduler Name]. You can preview the event’s title when editing a given link and the sparkle emoji, which indicates a Clockwise-managed meeting, can be toggled on or off.

AI Scheduler Alpha Updates

Lots of exciting improvements this month for the Clockwise AI Scheduler. As a reminder, if you are interested in early access and open to sharing product feedback, join the waitlist.

Features and improvements

  • Mentioning attendees with the @ symbol in prompt messages now returns results faster and prioritizes frequent collaborators
  • Calendar controls have been improved visually and moved to be right-aligned in toolbar
  • Calendar density settings have been added
  • Calendar date headers visually updated and now display your current time zone setting
  • Calendar time dial now displays current time
  • Chat supports adding or subtracting duration when updating an event (e.g., “Shorten my meeting by 1 hour”)
  • Chat can now parse “weekdays” and “weekend” keywords
  • When generating meeting time suggestions, Clockwise now looks one hour on either end of working hours instead of two hours
  • Links in the agenda of an Event Details Card now appear with anchor styling and are clickable
  • Event Details Card agenda moved to bottom of card
  • Event Details Card attendees now show RSVP status
  • Event Details Card attendees now display groups
  • Recurring events scheduled through chat will be marked as Flexible by default to resolve future conflicts
  • Daily recurring meetings will only recur on weekdays vs. all days of week
  • “Scheduled via Clockwise AI” is appended to the event description at the time of new event confirmation, rather than during event editing

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where wrong meeting is picked when using full email address (or using @ )
  • Fixed an issue causing scheduling suggestions outside all attendees’ working hours
  • Fixed an issue where modifying event’s time always picked future date from the event. Fix will honor any specified time picked as long as it is after current time.
  • Fixed bug where other users’ calendars did not have correct RSVP status in calendar event cards
  • Fixed clickable area in date picker in Event Details Card
  • Fixed placeholder text for meeting without title in Event Details Card
  • Fixed issue reporting false positives for conflicts in prompt response copy
  • Fixed an issue where meeting break is considered as conflict
  • Fixed an issue where the text for a proposal did not update if a new time was selected
  • Fixed an issue where confirming or canceling a proposal sometimes failed

October 2023

Overall Product Updates

  • Multiple durations for a single Scheduling Link: Allow those who book meetings via your Clockwise Scheduling Links to select the meeting duration that best meets their needs rather than pre-selecting it for them. Allowing alternate meeting durations is optional, so you can choose which Links have this flexibility.

AI Scheduler Alpha Updates

Clockwise AI Scheduler is a first-of-its-kind calendar experience, powered by GPT, that makes scheduling as easy as having a conversation. If you are eager for early access and open to sharing product feedback to shape the future of AI at Clockwise, join the waitlist.

Features and improvements

  • Chat Empty State: When there is no conversation history, you now have access to a few recommended “Help” prompts that will automatically send on click of the buttons.
  • External scheduling: Ability to create an event with external attendees (external email addresses)
  • Default VC platform: Automatically adds link from user's preferred VC platform
  • Rich event lists: When scheduler responds with a list of calendar events, you can now click on the event titles to display event details
  • Improved View responses: Calendar highlights events for view requests such as “show me my 1:1s on Friday”
  • When scheduler responds with a list of calendar events, you can now click on the event titles to display event details
  • Improved styling of event titles when displaying tradeoff details within a proposal
  • Calendar color-coding represented in proposal text
  • Decreased calendar event density addressing legibility issues with event titles
  • Scheduling suggestions enhanced by categorizing options
  • Ability to create an event with external attendees (external email addresses)
  • Ability to search events by response status (declined, accepted, or tentative)
  • Support for non-consecutive time ranges, e.g. “Find me a time on Monday or Wednesday to meet with Tom”
  • Faster handling of help requests , like What can you help me do? and How does AI Scheduler work?
  • Help responses include buttons for easy execution of suggested prompts
  • Detailed availability tradeoffs are now displayed in the chat proposal
  • Meeting details field is obscured for orgs that have Configurable Processing enabled

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issues with inconsistent display text on meetings without titles
  • Fixed issue with the display of meetings (non all day) that span multiple days
  • Fixed render issue impacting some events not displaying if start or end time was midnight
  • Removed resize observe when calendar component unmounts
  • When user edits or cancels calendar events, it will not try to operate on synced (personal) calendar events
  • Event lists in chat are listed with correct time in user’s timezone
  • Events with no title display correctly in chat responses
  • All events for multiple days are returned as opposed to only the first of multiple days
  • Calendar is anchored to and now correctly advances to the week of the first time range in a bulk scheduling request
  • Fixed a bug where the order of events in a bulk scheduling proposal would change on reload
  • When viewing another user’s calendar, shared events are displayed in the expected color
  • All-day multi-day events are correctly rendered within the Calendar
  • Fixed a bug with rendering inter-day multi-day events
  • Fixed a bug where Clockwise recommended scheduling options outside of user working hours
  • Fixed a bug where chat messages sometimes disappeared on send and then reappeared on reload
  • Fixed a bug where the Calendar person selector dropdown flickered during loading
  • Fixed a bug with other users’ calendar color reverting to black
  • Fixed alignment of text and icons in chat input
  • Fixed conflict description related to meeting hours and working hours for better clarity
  • Fixed issue sorting suggestions in bulk scheduling request
  • Fixed issue causing some meeting suggestions to start in past
  • Fixed an issue where bulk scheduling requests would incorrectly attribute tradeoffs to the wrong text block'

September 2023

Overall Product Updates

  • Add guests to meetings booked with Links: When someone schedules a meeting with you using your Clockwise Link(s), they can now invite additional guests to the meeting. Toggle this option on or off when creating / editing your scheduling links
  • Single-use links: more contextual meeting titles: When scheduling via a single-use link, the meeting generated will now use the link's title as part of the meeting name. Previously, the meeting name included just the names of the attendees. This update provides greater context when viewing your calendar by displaying both the subject of the meeting in addition to the attendee. Single-use links meeting titles will now follow the pattern: <Link Title> - <Attendee>.

July 2023

Admin can customize "Request to Join" flow 

Admins can now submit a custom message to their Customer Success Manager to update how their organization wants user to request a Clockwise license. To update the message that shows when people click "Request to Join" on the Plans and Billing page, contact your CSM today. 

June 2023

Single-use Scheduling Links

With the launch of single-use scheduling links, you can now share available times for a one-time meeting, ensuring that the corresponding link expires once the meeting is scheduled. This helps narrow scheduling options and allows for meetings to get scheduled quicker.

Google Meet links in Scheduler

Add Google Meet as your video conferencing tool of choice directly from the Scheduler.

May 2023

Local timezone available in next Clockwise optimization description

Previously only available in PST, this update makes it easier for any user to understand when Clockwise will make its next optimization in their personal timezone.

April 2023

Shorter Focus Time

More flexible Focus Time for busy people. Clockwise will continue to optimize for 2+ hour blocks of Focus Time when possible, but will schedule 60-90 minute blocks when a user has less than 10 hours of Focus Time in a given week.

March 2023

Late Start Preservation

Clockwise just got smarter for individuals and organizations who have adopted a late-start meeting culture. When Clockwise optimizes your schedule, we'll make sure to keep your preferred start times in mind. Clockwise will preserve late start when we move a meeting if: (1) starts exactly 5 minutes late, and (2) is a typical length (25, 55, or 85 mins).


February 2023

Clockwise Web Application

The new Clockwise web application is the home base to configure, evaluate, and manage your calendar with the ultimate goal of curating a sustainable schedule you love. Check out the announcement.

Admin Panel User Export

The ‘Users’ tab in the web dashboard now offers a button to download a CSV of Clockwise users. This information was previously only available in the web UI, but is now more readily available for customers. To access, log into and click on the ‘Users’ tab. 

Extended optimization window

Clockwise will routinely optimize users’ schedules and resolve flexible meeting conflicts up to four weeks out, instead of two, allowing better visibility into the month ahead. Available for Business and Enterprise customers. 

January 2023

Meeting & calendar data export

Download an export of meeting hours, Focus Time, and fragmented time data directly from Admin portal. Use these granular calendar analytics to identify users who have high meeting load and low focus time, so that your organization can optimize everyone’s schedule. Available to Business & Enterprise customers.

SOC2 Type II Compliance

Clockwise earned SOC 2 Type II compliance by achieving service commitments and system requirements based on the trust services criteria relevant to security, as defined by the AICPA. Check out our blog post.

November 2022

Flexible holds move in real time

Mark holds as as flexible and when your calendar changes and conflicts pop up, we move these holds immediately (not just once a day), so your calendar reacts as your day evolves.

More helpful emojis

Emojis in Clockwise-managed meetings (Flexible Meetings, Focus Time holds, and Lunch holds) will show as paused (⏸️) when timing has been set due to manual edits.

October 2022

Auto-decline / protected holds

Automatically decline any incoming meetings that overlap with your focus time or lunch. Learn how to set this up.

September 2022

Finer controls for flexible events

Day-of-week control on flexible meetings. Select which days the meeting could move to when you’re editing the event.

Group scheduling via Links

Easily schedule many-to-one meetings with multiple members from your organization and an external invitee. Clockwise aggregates your team members' availability and will only show your invitee times when everyone on your team is available. Once the invitee selects a time, Clockwise will send a calendar invite to everyone.

Learn more.

Links Chrome extension

Access your Clockwise Links via the Clockwise extension toolbar, so you can quickly copy and paste meeting links into email, chat, anywhere! Click the Clockwise extension button to the right of the address bar in Chrome to see and edit your links.

Links custom questions

You can now specify a set of required questions for a booker to fill out when using a scheduling link. You can use the questions to collect information from bookers, such as their phone numbers or their reason for scheduling a meeting.

Links custom date ranges

You can now specify a date range for any given scheduling link. Only slots in your specified date range will be shown to those booking meetings. View and edit your scheduling links.

Smarter meeting breaks

When your calendar starts to fill up with meetings, we will use your preferences to automatically build in breaks throughout the day. You can now choose for these breaks to be explicitly reflected on your calendar. Learn more about smart meeting breaks here.