How to use Clockwise AI Scheduler

In this article:

Clockwise AI Scheduler is the first GPT-powered calendar experience that makes scheduling as easy as having a conversation. The personal calendar assistant uses Clockwise time orchestration capabilities that empower you to make better decisions about your day using every day language to help manage your calendar and events.

Clockwise’s scheduling engine finds potentially available times for an event beyond the open space you see when viewing multiple peoples’ calendars because it knows which meetings are flexible and it can facilitate the logistics of moving them. We refer to this as schedule by moving. As a result, AI Scheduler surfaces more possibilities to you when prompted to schedule an event, including options made possible by moving other meetings that are flexible. If you select one of these proposals, AI Scheduler will handle both scheduling the new event and rescheduling the conflicting events.

How It Works

Using the power of GPT, AI Scheduler combines the previously developed technology of Clockwise and combines it with a chat functionality that simplifies scheduling on the go. The chat uses natural language processing (NLPs) so you can make a request as if talking to a real-life assistant.

By interacting with the AI, Clockwise is able to find time in your busy schedule, clear your afternoons, and reschedule meetings when you are out of office, all while keeping you informed in real time – all while maintaining your workday preferences.

What type of tasks can AI Scheduler make easier for me?

  • Scheduling new meetings with teammates
  • Rescheduling Focus Time
  • Changing recurrence frequency on events
  • Comparing many schedules without need of a visual overlay check

Interacting via Web

  1. Navigate to the the AI Scheduler area of the webapp.
  2. At the bottom left of your window, you will see the AI chat feature. Type messages in the text input box and engage with AI Scheduler as needed.

  3. AI Scheduler will respond with a suggestion to your request

    The suggestion also provides a visual overlay to the right side of the chat where the suggestion will exist on your calendar, highlighted in purple, when you hover over the event changes in the chat.

  1. Respond to the suggestion.

    Selecting Confirm will book the event and your calendar will then immediately rearrange. AI Scheduler will confirm that the action has been completed following movement.

    Selecting Cancel will end the proposal and nothing will change.

  2. If you care to, you can provide direct feedback around how your experience worked out with our product development team – good or bad, we want to hear about it! Selecting the 👍 👎 emojis will initiate a ticket to our Product team where you can provide more details. Thank you for participating in the beta!

Note: Nothing will change on your calendar until you explicitly confirm it within the chat by clicking the options presented to you. A confirmation message will follow your choice.

Interacting via Slack

Coming soon!

Clockwise AI Scheduler and Security

AI Scheduler runs using the same data processing accesses and security measures you've come to trust with Clockwise calendaring. You can read a bit more about AI Scheduler data policies here, and review overall security statements here.