Prompting Clockwise Calendar
Note: Clockwise Calendar is currently in open Beta. It will remain a free feature until Generally Available.
Ready to get started with Clockwise Calendar? You’ll find the many ways you can create a schedule you love below. And we’re always adding more capabilities as natural language processing (NLPs) becomes better-aligned with user intentions.
Schedule a new meeting
You can schedule meetings in a number of ways with Clockwise – internal or external, one-offs or recurring.
Sample prompts:
- Schedule a 30 min sync on Thursday or Friday with Gary.
- Schedule 15 min 1:1s next week with Abou, Linda, and Andy.
- Find time with Raph tomorrow.
- Set up a recurring 1:1 with Abou every other week on Tuesday.
- Schedule a 30 min meeting on Tuesday at 1pm with
Modify existing events
Update just about anything involving your event from the event card in the calendar interface. Either click the meeting from the overlay on the right or ask Clockwise to fetch meeting details to take a look. From there, you can modify the title, time, attendees, RSVP status, flexibility settings, meeting room, video conferencing details, meeting category, or meeting agenda.
Sample prompts:
- Make my 1:1s with Mikaela flexible
- Add Claire to next week’s GTM meeting
Schedule tasks and routines
Automatically hold time for important tasks and routines that need to happen throughout the week by asking Clockwise to set them up. These events will automatically become Flexible Holds (events where you are the only attendee that Clockwise will automatically shuffle based on your preferences), but you can make sure they won't move by simply toggling flexibility off.
Sample prompts:
- Schedule a 30 min walk every week
- Find time for my to-do list this week: submit expenses, input metrics, and pick up my prescription
- Make a 1.5 hr flexible hold this week to write performance reviews
- Find 30 minutes this week to prep for the board meeting
Create an OOO hold
Schedule an OOO block when you need to make yourself unavailable. You can be sure there aren’t conflicts existing within the time by including a reschedule prompt at the same time.
Sample prompts:
- Put an OOO block on 4/7 from 3 to 5pm
- Make me OOO tomorrow afternoon and reschedule my afternoon meetings
Note: This command creates a ‘busy’ block reflecting OOO on all calendars. It does not create a Google-categorized OOO block so can affect your Google-based metrics, but will reflect busy and OOO to anyone accessing your calendar.
Reschedule an existing meeting
Just as easily as scheduling a meeting, you can reschedule it so that it better fits your week.
Sample prompts:
- Reschedule my weekly sync with Michael
- Reschedule all my meetings this morning.
Bulk schedule and reschedule meetings
Life happens and sometimes that means we need to reorganize our day. Or maybe you just want to more efficiently schedule meetings in bulk. With the Clockwise Calendar, you can clear an entire afternoon, reschedule meetings when you’re OOO, block numerous 1:1s in a single request, and more.
Sample prompts:
- Decline all my meetings this afternoon
- Move all of tomorrow’s meetings to Thursday
- Schedule 15 minutes one-on-ones with Nikita, Matt, and Linda
Note: This command moves to the new time slot with a specific day or date identified. It currently does not support Move all of tomorrow’s meetings to different days this week.
Manage the flexibility of meetings
View and change the flexibility settings of your meetings. The less rigid your schedule, the more likely you are to find Focus Time!
Sample prompts:
- Make all of my 1:1s flexible
- I don’t want next week’s Metrics Review meeting to move
Manage the recurrence schedule of repeating meetings
Modify multiple events with a single command.
Sample prompts:
- Move all my 1:1s to Wednesday
- Make all my 1:1s biweekly
Note: We are currently not supporting recurrence patterns outside of daily, weekdays, every other week, monthly, and annually. For the time being, Clockwise is unable to schedule a meeting that repeats on MWF.
RSVP to meetings
RSVP your attendance to an event on your calendar. Declining an event will allow you to remove the event from your calendar view if you’d like, and opens up ‘free’ time. Accepting or choosing ‘Maybe’ will mark the event as busy.
Sample prompts:
- Decline @[meeting title]
Decline next week's 1:1 with Ken
Cancel all meetings
If you find yourself needing to rearrange your week for dedicated heads-down work, you can also choose to clear your schedule. Clockwise will apply appropriate behaviors (decline if you’re an invitee, or cancel if you’re the meeting organizer) to each event in that time range based on meeting type.
Sample prompts:
- Clear my Tuesday
- Cancel all my meetings next Friday
Note: This action will not reschedule your events in new time slots, it will remove the event or revoke your attendance from the calendar altogether. If you prefer to meet at another time, ask Clockwise to reschedule instead.
Create a Scheduling Link
Streamline the scheduling process by having Clockwise generate Scheduling Links on your behalf.
Sample prompts:
- Create a link with my availability next week
- Create a booking link for 30 mins, and include Tatiana
- Create a 15 minute link with my and Kat’s availability on Tuesday and Thursday
Note: Scheduling Links created in the Clockwise Calendar default to being one-time-user links. Once they are used to book time with you, they will no longer be able to be reused by others.
Schedule more Focus Time
If you’re feeling short on Focus Time, you can ask Clockwise to throw more onto your calendar. It will suggest an hour of time, which you can accept and expand if your schedule allows, or you can ask for a specific amount of Focus Time to be added to your scheduler. The default is set as a flexible hold, but you can change it to a protected hold by sliding the toggle off in the proposal.
Sample prompts:
- Add some Focus Time to my calendar
- Schedule 2 hours of Focus Time this week
Get an overview
Clockwise will send over a text summary and highlight the meetings in your calendar for the days ahead so you know what’s headed your way.
Sample prompts:
- Show me my meetings today.
- What 1:1s do I have next week?