How can I have a holiday word in an event without triggering OOO time?
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You may have noticed that Clockwise automatically recognizes many holidays as OOO events. This happens due to the event title including a phrase in the Holiday Recognition List that indicates this is a holiday. When this happens, Clockwise assigns 'holiday' event categorization and assumes attendees won't be in the office. This can get tricky when the holiday has more events associated with it.
For example, if you're looking to host a holiday gift exchange or holiday fundraiser, both of these events would be categorized as 'Holiday' time on your calendar and create OOO time for the event once you RSVP to them, which would then push to the team calendar.
This is due to Clockwise's holiday recognition list, which can be customized for paid accounts. Below details the complete list as well as the negate list.
Note: If you would like to request words to be added to your holiday negate list, please have an account admin contact us via email and we will make the change to your organization's account.
Holiday Negate List
The negate list are words and word combinations that deny event categorization. If a word is on the negate list, the event name's negate status supercedes event recognition. These words will recategorize an event from a holiday to a hold, meeting, or other Clockwise event category.
For example, an org-wide set-time event such as a 'Lunar New Year Celebration' will be categorized as a meeting because 'celebration' is on the negate list.
Note: The words in this list are case insensitive – no matter the capitalization, they will be acknowledged.
"back from" (as in, back from vacation) "celebration" (as in, holiday celebration) "check" (as in, do pto check) "cookie" (as in, holiday cookie exchange) "event" (as in, holiday event) "inn" (as in, holiday inn) "party" (as in, holiday party) "reporting" (as in, pto reporting) "reports" (as in, send pto reports) "report" (as in, report pto) "theme" (as in, holiday theme) "after", "before", "catch up", "class", "connect", "dinner", "emails", "gift", "lunch", "meeting", "plan", "planning", "potluck", "present", "review", "sale", "session", "sync"
Holiday Recognition List
The holiday recognition list is the source for Clockwise-acknowledged holidays and the calendars they are triggered by. These holidays create an OOO block on folks' calendars when they are mentioned unless accompanied by the above negate words.
Note: The words in this list are case insensitive – no matter the capitalization, they will be acknowledged.
Global keywords: "office closed" Australia "australia day", "anzac day" Brazil "ano novo", "confraternização universal", "easter", "páscoa", "tiradentes day", "dia de tiradentes", "labour day", "dia do trabalhador", "dia do trabalho", "dia da independência", "lady of aparecida", "nossa senhora aparecida", "day of the dead", "dia de finados", "all souls day", "republic day", "proclamação da república", "black consciousness day", "dia da consciência negra", "natal" Canada "canada day", "victoria day", "civic holiday", "orange shirt day", "remembrance day" France "nouvel an", "jour de lan", "premier de lan", "vendredi saint", "lundi de pâques", "fête du travail", "fête de la victoire", "lundi de pentecôte", "bastille day", "fête nationale", "assomption", "toussaint", "armistice day", "armistice de 1918", "noël", "saint stephens day", "deuxième jour de noël" Germany "neujahrstag", "karfreitag", "ostersonntag", "tag der arbeit", "ascension day", "christi himmelfahrt", "whit monday", "pfingstmontag", "german unity day", "tag der deutschen einheit", "weihnachtstag", "zweiter weihnachtsfeiertag" India "ambedkar jayanti", "rama navami", "eid al-fitr", "eid al-adha", "indian independence day", "gandhi jayanti", "dussehra", "mawlid", "diwali" Indonesia "tahun baru masehi", "lunar new year", "tahun baru imlek", "day of silence", "hari suci nyepi", "tahun baru saka", "wafat yesus kristus", "hari buruh internasional", "kenaikan yesus kristus", "buddhas birthday", "hari raya waisak", "pancasila day", "hari lahir pancasila", "hari kemerdekaan republik indonesia", "hari kemerdekaan", "hari raya natal", "islamic new year", "tahun baru islam", "birthday of the prophet", "maulid nabi muhammad", "ascension of the prophet", "isra miraj nabi muhammad", "hari raya idul fitri", "lebaran mudik", "hari raya idul adha", "lebaran haji" Mexico "constitution day", "benito juárezs birthday", "natalicio de benito juárez", "día de la independencia", "revolution day", "día de la revolución" Portugal "sexta-feira santa", "domingo de páscoa", "freedom day", "dia da liberdade", "corpus christi", "corpo de deus", "autonomous region of azores day", "dia da região autónoma dos açores", "dia da pombinha", "dia do bodo", "portugal day", "dia de portugal", "dia de portugal, de camões e das comunidades portuguesas", "autonomous region of madeira and madeiran communities day", "dia da região autónoma da madeira e das comunidades madeirenses", "assunção de nossa senhora", "implantação da república", "dia de todos-os-santos", "restoration of independence", "restauração da independência", "imaculada conceição", "primeira oitava" Spain "año nuevo", "viernes santo", "workers day", "día del trabajo", "assumption of mary", "asunción de la virgen", "spains national day", "fiesta nacional de españa", "all saints day", "fiesta de todos los santos", "spanish constitution day", "día de la constitución", "immaculate conception", "la inmaculada concepción", "navidad" United Kingdom "good friday", "early may bank holiday", "spring bank holiday", "summer bank holiday", "orangemans day", "st andrews day", "boxing day" United States "new years", "martin luther king jr day", "mlk day", "presidents day", "memorial day", "juneteenth", "independence day", "4th of july", "labor day", "columbus day", "indigenous peoples day", "veterans day", "thanksgiving", "christmas"