Calendar Data Access

Clockwise takes the security & privacy of your data extremely seriously.  As a result, we’ve designed our systems to minimize vulnerabilities:

Clockwise connects to your calendar via SSO, so we don't need to store your workplace email and calendaring username & password – we never get access to this information.  

The scope of the permissions that we request access to is very targeted. We only request access to what we need.

    • "View calendar resources on your domain" to see conference room availability
    • "View users on your domain" to make sure that the meeting times we suggest work for all meeting attendees, not just you
    • "See and download your contacts" to enrich your Clockwise experience with your teammates’ names and profile images.
    • "See, edit, share, and permanently delete all the calendars you can access using your Calendar" to see your calendar events and to move the events on your behalf.

If you have any questions about what calendar data we access, please let us know.