Clockwise Organizational Functions

Available on these plans
  • Free
  • Teams
  • Business
  • Enterprise

Clockwise makes it easy to visualize, learn, and manage your Clockwise experience through Organization panel.

Accessing the Organization Tools

The organizational-level tools are found within the Clockwise web app under the More section on the left-hand navigation bar.

Note: All Clockwise users can access this area. You do not need administrative access to view the content of this area of the web app; Clockwise admins' role centers around user management. To see who your Clockwise admin is, please check out this article.


This view gives you a quick snapshot of your Clockwise activity for your org. 

Some quick takeaways about this view:

  • You get an updated list of user count in your org, the number of total schedule assists as well as Focus Time created and conflicts resolved in a two-week period.
  • Cumulative activity shows the same metrics but over the past 12 months as well as a further breakdown of users by function and roles. 

Please note that this data set is currently not editable and is only for viewing purposes.

Organization settings

This gives you view-access to any organizational-wide settings set up in Clockwise. This area informs you both of when your calendar's daily optimization is run as well as if your organization's video conferencing is configured. 

Plans and Billing

This is where you can manage your Clockwise billing details. If your org or team is on a free plan, you will see that here. Paid plans can make changes like updating payment credit card and the billing email on file for invoices as well as downloading previous invoices via the Billing Portal under Manage billing details

Only Clockwise admins may access billing details. And, if the admin has set control in who can be added to a paid plan, your add user action will send an email to the admin to approve membership before someone is added.


This is a list of all Clockwise users and non Clockwise users within your organization. You can sort to see a list of users by clicking on Status or searching for a colleague's name in the search bar, as well as filter by different plan types if this is a configuration within your organization. You also have the convenience of directly inviting teammates to join from the members tab.