How can I change notifications for Personal Calendar Sync events?

Most often, you will find yourself receiving more notifications than intended when you have Personal Calendar Sync enabled, especially if you have a recurring event. This can get even more annoying if you have a daily recurring event.

This happens because these events copy the account's notification default with all other information, so whatever your personal account's notification defaults are will reflect in each event synced to your Clockwise-managed calendar.

In this article:

Changing your Personal Calendar Sync account's default notifications

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. In the top right, click Settings.
  3. On the left, under General, click Notification settings.
  4. Under Notification settings, you can:
    • Turn notifications on or off: Click the Notifications drop-down and select how you want to receive notifications.
    • Only get notifications if you respond “Yes” or “Maybe” to an event: Click the box next to Notify me only if I have responded Yes or Maybe.

Changing a single event's notification settings when the event is created through Personal Calendar Sync

While this changes your default, you can, of course, change notifications to individually synced events as well. To do this, access the event within your Google Calendar, enter the event details view, and remove any notifications you'd like to.